What is the Right Church or Religion?


Some people would like to believe that all non violent religions will get people to Heaven, but the truth is there is only one religion that holds the keys to the Heavens and to the Father.  That religion provided a method by which salvation and restoration could be accomplished.  All other religions have no method of restoration or salvation.  I know that just hearing these words make them angry but having walked with the angels myself I can say without any doubt only the Christian faith offers "The Holy Spirit" of the Lord of Light, and it is the keys to heaven.  It's not just me saying this.  God has provided evidence of this salvation and when the time is right it will be revealed to the world.  You will find this evidence at the location where Jesus was actually Crucified.  Where the earth shook and the rocks cracked open at the foot of the cross.  For more information click on the graphic below.

The Christian Denominations

Among Christian denominations, they are all off a little bit and some are off quite a bit.  When a person belongs to a particular denomination or religious group they not only feel compelled to sell their particular brand of religion they feel obligated to do so.  The closer a person is to a particular group or organization the less they can really understand or know about its faults.  They are literally blinded to the faults of their own church and have an excuse for those things they might be aware of.  These things all tend to bind the spirit up and some of them are terrible.

For years I tried and tried to find  a church home and every time God would do something or cause me to do something that would get me kicked out of those churches.  I did not understand why God was showing me these faults about the different religious groups in such a harsh way.  It has taken years for God to give me the understanding of why He set me apart from all other religious groups.  The answer is that He wanted to teach me Himself.  He wanted me to be objective when answering questions and not taking sides just because I belonged to a particular church group or religion.  So when someone asks me who is the closest to being correct I can honestly say without being affiliated with any group that the Pentecostals are closer to God than all others on earth with only one exception.  The exception is not going to concern you though because there's not one thing you can do about that.  The exception is when God Himself calls someone under His own personal wing to teach them the things that no other religious group on earth can teach them.  There is also a reason why Revelation chapter 14 speaks of the 144,000 elite of God.  It speaks of them because there are some who are outstanding in their relationship with God and far above all others on earth in this day.  I'm not even going to say I'm one of them but I am aware that God has called me out for a particular reason and some of the things I describe here are part of that reason.

How Can You Tell Who's On the Right Track?

There's always someone ready and willing to argue about it, and at least one of them is wrong.  Some people have told me that God teaches them and so does the angels but I know God teaches me and says "test everything" and  I do.  I know this, aside from one's own personal instructions from God, God will not tell one person one thing and someone else something else to the contrary, God's teachings are as solid as the ROCK! They do not contradict His previous teachings.  Simply put one of us isn't being taught by God on this particular subject.  God told me to tell him about what he was teaching and that he should be very careful and I did.  He wrote me back a message entirely in bold type telling me that I had an ego problem.  How do you know who has the ego problem?  It's usually the person who's spiritual insecurities cause them to type an entire message to someone else in bold type telling them they have an ego problem.  Why do they do that?  Because they feel the foundations of their religious beliefs being shaken by the spirit of Truth who tests the foundations of what people believe in.  They don't realize they become so emotional because of the lies they have trusted as if they were truth.

If you don't have some inside spiritual knowledge like being able to actually speak with and then get answers back from God then how do you know who is following the path of truth ?  I have a simple rule, if it is not supported by the Bible and or lost texts of the Bible then it may be shaky ground.  Meaning you and I may believe it because of something that has happened to us but it may not be good to teach especially to those who are not strongly grounded in the truth.  Next thing is if it contradicts the teachings of the Bible you might as well not believe in it at all because it is a lie.  If you teach it and lead others astray from the path to truth then you will be held accountable for what you teach.  This argument was about the concept of reincarnation.  Jesus did not say do it over until you get it right.  The bible says in Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but then the judgment:"

I mentioned something from Acts 1 and 2 in the Bible.  This same man scolded me, sending me more hate mail telling me how I hated homosexuals.  That I needed to embrace sexual perversions and immorality.  And this man has the nerve to actually tell people that he is a prophet of the living God.  He may have been called but he's not chosen.  It's not real difficult to see that he's not hearing the voice or messages from "the living God" because his messages are a direct contradiction to what God has all ready established.   A few days later I received a very similar message from a UFO/ET cult leader by the name of C1aude D.  His messages read like they were written by a seriously misguided, spiritually troubled teenager, but he was at one time the president of the Children's Television Network.  He channels messages from what he calls an "ET," a being who he calls a highly advanced non-human life form.  This "ET" persona speaks through him while speaking of C1aude in the third person.  The message from the ET says that in order for us to achieve direct one on one communications with advanced non-human beings we must first embrace homosexuals, sexual perversions and immorality without question.  At that moment I realized I had to get loose from his mailing list because his ET is a demon without question.  I responded telling him as nicely as I could that the problem with channeling non-human beings, ghosts, spirits or ET's is that they don't always tell the truth.  In fact more often than not they lie like crazy.  Then I told him why God said that sexual perversions were an abomination to Him.  Why it was enough to inspire God to wipe out the population of the earth in the Flood of Noah and then to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and all the surrounding towns.  And that it will happen again only next time God will destroy the earth by fire.  Think about it.  If God were going to change His mind about the subject why in the world would He have destroyed so many people in the past?  The answer is "He wouldn't have."  But He did so for several reasons and one of those reasons was to teach us that homosexuality is a sexual perversion and immoral and that it will anger God enough to cause him to destroy entire cities and the world for it.  Of course I can explain why it angers God so and why the Holy Spirit of God becomes Ill when it comes near people who have these kinds of dark spirits in them.  It's called spiritual polarity.  Spirits are energy based life forms.  Just like magnets repel each other when placed one direction and attract when placed the other direction spirits also have rules they must abide by.  It's not a mater of being nice or being mean.  It doesn't make any difference if you don't like it, that's just the way it is and there's no need to question it.

In the Bible and lost texts of the Bible I have found substantial and trustworthy accounts that disagree with the concepts of reincarnation but not one that supports them.  Yes I have found where some people believed in the concept in ancient days but they never gave one account where they could prove their theory was solid.  Just because they believed it doesn't mean they were correct or that the theory was solid.  The spirits of all the saints were in the underworld when Christ came to get them, they were not reincarnated.  Lazarus and the Rich Man were not reincarnated, Lazarus is still in Abraham's bosom and the Rich Man is still in the smoldering pit of torment in the underworld, which I have seen by the way via powerful night visions.  I have had people tell me I needed to read some other non biblical book in order for me to find the truth.  Excuse me, I have to laugh because that translates to saying I must read something other than the Bible in order to find the truth about reincarnation and that's about the biggest joke I can think of off hand.  NO people, that's not how you test to find the truth.  You test other things against what the Bible says and if it disagrees with the Bible then you can throw the other information away and keep the Bible, that is how it works my friends.  :-)  I have had some tell me they have memories of not just one but many past lives they believe they have lived.  The cosmic consciousness is filled with memories of all kinds, even many alien memories are there in tact exactly as the original life form or being experienced them.  For those who have crossed these spiritual frequencies and experienced some of these things yes it is powerful realistic and can leave a lasting impression on a person but the chances of it being one of their own past lives are so great it would be impossible to calculate.

The Mormon Religion is not closer to God than other Christian Religions!

Don't tell me the Book of Mormon will explain things in the Bible to me if I can't understand the Bible as it is.  That's just a trick of the devil to lead more people into more of those tunnels the dragon dug for the denominations to reside within and separate from God's influence.  You should read the rest of the things God said about the Mormon religion.

The Devil/Satan is not God!

Don't EVEN try to tell me that Lucifer is God and that Jesus is the devil because people who preach things like that are possessed and deceived by demons and have no idea just how wrong they are.  Don't laugh, I have had more than one person send me e-mail's telling me these things and if God can't help them understand the truth then who am I that I should even try?  But most of these people are people who were smart enough to recognize the spirit of religion/the devil inside of certain Christian based churches and knew that wasn't God they were dealing with.  Well if God isn't within the Christian based churches then there must be a mix-up!  Then the devil twisting the logic in their minds causes them to consider that if Christians are so evil Christ must be the devil and the devil must be God.  What they fail to realize is people who say good is evil and evil is good are cursed.  Running out of a church filled with the spirit of religion directly into the open arms of the devil himself is not the answer.  Just find another church.  There are a few Christian churches out there who have the Holy Spirit of God within them.  If you look you can find them.

Religious Arguments

People who I consider children and babes in the spirit get a little bit of book knowledge, find me and in their excitement of discovering some tiny spiritual knowledge or concept come rushing to argue with me.  As long as they are willing to listen I am always happy to help them get back on the path to the Truth and even to just talk with them about spiritual things.  Sometimes God gives me amazing things to share with them.  I have seen preachers and teachers fresh out of bible collage who having a head full of book knowledge and almost no real spiritual understanding set out to save the world.  Teaching the preachers spiritual understanding is part of my calling but if you are one of these teachers who came here looking to argue remember if you want the answers humility is the place to start.  I personally must be very careful what I do, say or think and who I listen to because I have specific instructions from God on a personal level and would prefer not to be killed by a lion along the path home.  If you have any bible knowledge to speak of you will understand why I said that and then you should also have some idea who I am and why I am here.

Those people who choose to believe the Inspired Word of God is the same thing as the Living Word of God are people who have never actually heard God speak to them in one of His louder more pronounced voices.  They hear the voices of religion and have mistaken that to be the same thing as the voices of God.  This is why Jesus said "My sheep know my voice, they will not follow someone else."  That's because the people who hear the voices of religion honestly think they are hearing God's voice when they are not.  They go when God does not send them, they speak things God did not tell them to say and they mislead the people.  Jeremiah 23.

Because it is God's business God frequently shows me in dreams when people are checking out my website here.  God showed me a man who found or came across some of my writing but I am not at liberty to say exactly what God did show me about this man.  Now here on 7-21-2002 God shows me a man who is a teacher, a preacher or perhaps a priest and evidently one person has told another to come see what I have written here.  He has done this because he does not like what I have written because the things he believes in and trusts in are being threatened by the spirit of truth found on this area of my website.  All God wants him to do is be quiet, pray to God and listen for God to answer him, but he can't do that because the voice of his religion is much louder in his mind.  God showed me that he would turn his back on me just as he has turned his back on God.  Why would God have me even speak to the man if He knew the man was going to turn his back?  Trust me, God knows the reasons and often when we think we know what is going on God has something else going on there on the side that we may not be aware of.  He will use these people even who despise His truth and the Prophets He sends not because of them but despite them just as He reaches out and saves people not because of their religions but despite them.  (This is why He said His Children know His voice and will not follow another.)


This area is being updated now and the as I get time and as God sends me messages that I need to post here.  It isn't finished and it gets reedited now and then.  God keeps telling me he is not very happy with the Catholic religious leaders for all the things they have done and taught the people to practice ideas, teachings and habits that He not only didn't tell them to do but specifically told them not to do but they do it anyway.  I have a strange feeling and somewhat fearful that God will have me write things here about them that I personally do not wish to write.  I do not enjoy pointing out faults in any Christian based church denomination but the faults exist and they prevent the people from achieving a higher and better spiritual relationship with God.

7-30-2002 Update:  Last night God showed me a night vision of a single priest dressed in a humble monk like hooded robe.  God was showing me one of the Catholic priests that He did in fact call into service in the Catholic church.  He's not there to perpetuate the misconceptions and wrong teaching of the Catholic church.  He is there to help people find God despite the misteachings of the Catholic church.  Like all the Christian denominations there are far more preachers and teachers who think they were called when they were not.  What does it mean that God only showed me one priest dressed in humility and standing before God?  Shouldn't there have been a lot more than that?  Who is this priest God shows me?  I'll bet he knows who he is.  :-)  I always get a warm good feeling when God shows me these things.  I feel a strong love for this priest as expressed through me from the Holy Spirit of God.  You know He loves the people who call themselves Catholic.  There's no doubt He has placed some priests inside the Catholic establishment who are there to actually help the people find God.

Yes I will most certainly tell you things the Catholic church does not want you to hear.  I will tell you things that certain prophets of God have been killed for exposing certain lies the Catholic church has taught for 2000 years.  I won't just say it to you as if to stand on my own words but will explain how God teaches me these things through experiences.  I didn't ask for this job, I was called into it by God and it is a dangerous ground to stand upon.  I would ask you to read in my personal experiences about the Charismatic Catholic church that I was kicked out of.

7-12-2002 Update Segment: After God sent me out a few times to help certain religious people and having my life threatened and being chased by angry mobs of religious people I had a talk with God about it and how we might do better if we didn't go out to those people but had them sent to me instead.  God agreed that He would direct the people to me who He needed me to talk to.  Recently He directed a Catholic to me in order that I should explain something to him.  This person no doubt thought as some do that God had sent him to me to help straighten me out as that is how some think who are sent to me for help. They are inspired by their insecurities about their own salvation into a mission looking for people to "correct" or to "help save" or just someone they can argue with, but their understanding of spiritual things is usually not very good and that's why God sends them to me.  God uses His prophets when the people He is trying to communicate with refuse to listen to the message He is sending them. So this person tells me that Peter who founded the Catholic Church is the only church that Jesus himself founded on earth.  What's wrong with that sentence?  If Peter founded it then how did Jesus found it?  So I asked him why is it that Peter founded a lot of churches but the Catholic Church is the only one of it's kind?  His response said that Peter founded many "churches" but only the Catholic "C"hurch was founded as the One True Church of Jesus Christ.  So the Catholic Church is the only church that Peter Founded that Jesus Himself established on earth and is the One True Church that will exist on earth forever.  So why did Peter bother to start any more churches, was he just stupid?  Didn't he realize the Catholic Church which "he" founded was the One True Church?  Sounds a lot like most of the other religions about 50 or so years ago and before when each one of them thought they were the only one true church that God would recognize. 

The Catholic Church is still preaching and teaching dark age mythology.  When God sends people to me like this sometimes I can read their message and God will respond in a moment giving me the right words to say.  Sometimes I can feel the outline of the answer but not the specific answer that God wants me to give them.  So when this happens I pray about it before I go to sleep and wait for God to answer me.  Sometimes He answers in words speaking to me and sometimes He answers in written text, sometimes both and sometimes He answers me in a dream with symbols but gives me the understanding of the dream as He does this.  Sometimes He answers by waking me from a dream and then suddenly all the words and answers are right there on top of my mind and at that moment it all makes sense.  This is like a divine translation when this happens and this is how God answered me for this man.  Sometimes I quote what he said especially if He speaks to me verbally or in written text on a spiritual page.  But when He answers me like this I am allowed to use my own words to pass along His message to the person. 

He said: *Tell him he should do less talking and more listening.  Being told to shut up and listen tends to offend some people but I have lost track how many times God has told me to shut up and listen to Him.  Religious people want to pray pray pray but seldom do they want to shut up and listen to what God is saying to them.  My friend Billy Dale Sexton wrote a song "Be Still" and that's exactly what the song is about so I know God has told Billy to shut up and listen before to.  The fact is the more excited they get over straightening me out the more they talk and the less they listen. If they had been listening to God speaking to them to start with they would never have been sent to me in the first place most likely.  Then suddenly more sentences just began to flow into my mind. 

He said: *Yes it is true I did only start one church which is the One True Church but it is not in a building built by human hands.  Then I saw an of image of the world and bright lights scattered all around it almost like stars.  Then the message came.  Take all the people on earth who are saved and put them all together counting them as a single Church and there you will see the One True Church which is the Bride of Christ.  Then an understanding came to me in which Jesus said the very reason why He never started any physical churches on earth was because He knowing the nature of humans knew they would use that to mislead people with by saying "This is the One True Church that Jesus Himself established."  As if Jesus had not been speaking of a spiritual church and spiritual kingdom but of an earthly one.  Jesus himself said that His Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom, if it were not his followers would rise up and fight for him.  But still people of religion are very determined to miss the mark and fail to understand why these things were spoken and written as they are.

Concerning the Catholic Church, God is very upset with their higher order of religious leaders for numerous reasons but then He said: *They kill my messengers.  While I pondered on the meaning and could it be taken literally He spoke again saying: *They try to kill My messengers.  I considered that God at least knew the truth if the religious leaders of the Catholic Church have actually killed the Prophets God has sent to them but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they don't have blood on their hands.  I am personally aware they and other religions will discourage and humiliate the Prophets that God does send to them.  Then to my surprise God actually told me that *He had inspired the movie "Stigmata" and it is a message specifically about the nature of the One True Church and the nature of His own spirit and how the Catholic Church has done everything they can to maintain control over the people using lies and deceit to prevent them from realizing the true nature of the One True Church of Jesus Christ.  This is how and why these people who make up the One True Church are like the people of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them from heaven while they were in a secret locked upper room.  I wouldn't laugh either you might be surprised at the different methods God uses to deliver messages to the people.  And why would Peter tell the "Catholic Church" to do things he never instructed any of the other churches that he started?  The answer is he wouldn't because he knows what Jesus wants them to be taught and would not stray from it.  What is good for one is good for all and what is bad for one is bad for all.

The Holy Spirit has been pestering me and keeps telling me how angry God is with the leaders of the Catholic church.  He's angry with them for things He has revealed to me and even more things that he has not revealed to me about them.  It seems He wants to tell the entire world what they have done to mislead the people for 2000 years.  "Hay there Jonah, you go to Ninivah!"  "Who me Lord?  No way do I want to go there!  If I tell them what you want me to tell them they will kill me for sure!"

If Peter actually founded the Catholic Church based on what Jesus had taught him then why would Jesus tell Peter to do things that Jesus himself told them not to do?  God said not to make images of things in heaven or on earth because God knew how people would turn those things into idols and pray to them and God didn't want that He made that very clear.  Jesus never instructed anyone to pray to anyone else dead or alive yet Catholics have the images of the Mother Mary all over the place just like little idol's that people pray to asking her to intercede for them to God.  Jesus said clearly that He would intercede for us to the Father.  They love to leave Jesus hanging on the cross as a constant reminder how they continue to crucify Christ night and day for 2000 years and the image itself has become an idol to the people.  Idol worship was something God has always despised and would never bring anything even remotely like it to His people.  The use of beads and scepters is also brought to the Catholics from a pagan religion, Peter would never have even suggested it.  I suspect he is very angry at them for laying these things to his credit.  I know that God is very angry about it, if He were not I wouldn't have written this.  This is not something I wanted to write but I write it because God made me come back and write it.  Do you know anything about the religions of Voodoo or Witchcraft? Putting an image on the cross like that is a method by which dark and evil spirits desire to keep Christ bound among those people. They do not want Christ to come to them in person in spirit in the form of the Holy Spirit and teach them the truth about spiritual things. How would you like someone to send you a picture of you hanging on a cross? Think about it. The Catholic church proudly displays these shameful images everywhere they can professing their desire to keep Christ on the Cross bound and under their control.

The Catholic who wrote me again not long ago put a few things in quotes telling me that God had told him to say those things to me as if they were a direct quote from God for me.  Of course it wasn't, it was just things his religion teaches them and he repeated it.  God was particularly infuriated at how people like to take the truth then twist it so as to deceive people.  I know how angry God is about it because having the Holy Spirit speaking from inside me so frequently I can feel His anger very clearly.  God wants me to lay a few things out that this man mention but I am not able to quote any of his message exactly as it was written.

He wrote the entire message as if he felt I had threatened Jesus and his family.  All I asked the man to do was pray to God until God answered him. He reminded me that everything Mary did was according to Jewish law.  Yes, I know that, I never said anything about that but this man was expressing the emotions of the religious spirits as they were threatened they might loose their control over this man.  They speak to him causing him to think I have said things I did not say so then he would defend those things blindly not realizing what spirits they were who had inspired him to say such things.

Then he mentioned the stone that was rejected by the builders while trying to defend the Catholic religious leaders and this particularly offended God because the "Builders" who rejected the "Chief Corner Stone" are the religious leaders this man and his religious spirits are trying to defend.  The thought of anyone trying to defend the very people who God was speaking about when He made that statement, by using that statement on their behalf is outrageous to put it mildly. I have been privileged to have God show me the Chief Corner Stone and I can describe it and draw it and I know it as a symbol and sign that has existed long before life ever came to this planet we call home.  It is one of the symbols of the Lord of Light and resides upon Mount Zion which is the Throne of God.  It and Mount Zion are not made by human hands and will exist forever in a place without time.  The Lamb of God and the Chief Corner Stone are one in the same.  You can read a little about it in Revelation chapter 14.  There are numerous places in the Bible that speak of the Chief Corner Stone.

God told me this man would turn his back on the messages God was trying to deliver to him.  If God knew that and God told me that then why would God bother to even try to talk to this man?  Doesn't God know He's wasting His time?  ;-)  Let me tell you something, God doesn't waste His time ever!  God knows and has things going on that we don't even know about.  He will deliver His message around us, over us, under us and through us to get His message to those who have been praying to receive it.  The would is full of people like this man of religion who I have mentioned here.  Out of pure spiritual insecurity and in anger people like this take God's message and give it to someone else seeking someone to defend their point of view not realizing the person they hand the message to is the one God was seeking to reach.  I have even been known to do the same for them and to pass their messages along to my own private prayer and dream research group.  I can do that in confidence because I know for a fact that anyone who has heard the Living Word of God speak to them will not be deceived by their messages.  The truth itself has a way of winning out in the end and in reaching those who reach out for it.

Jesus said "Call no man Father," and yet the Catholic church demands their priests be called "father."  If they understood the spiritual damage they are doing they could also understand why Jesus said don't do that.  What this does is to confuse God's messages to the people in dreams.  It clouds their spiritual understanding.  Praying to the image of the cross or to Mary or to a rosary thinking these things will intercede for them they focus on the physical while missing the spiritual truth of the reality and true purpose of what the Holy Spirit really is, what it was designed for and how it is to be used.  This is the devil's way of binding people through their lack of understanding of spiritual things.  It is his method to cause them to focus on the physical things in order that they should not see the truth of those things.  And no, the Pope is not God, he is just a man who has been thrust into a position by his religion in which he will be held accountable for the errors of those who he has been placed in charge of.  While the Pope does command a great deal of respect and influence he has no more authority than those who form comities and vote for what they want God to tell you next.  It infuriates them when they encounter a real Prophet of God who knows the truth about them and can actually speak with God and get answers back.  Perhaps this is why God told me "They kill my messengers,"  "They try to kill my messengers."  I'm sure that someone in the Catholic Church knows what God was talking about when He said that to me.

There is a great deal of sexual problems inside the Catholic church.  The Apostle Paul wrote : "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband."  1 Corinthians 7:2

But the Catholic church demands celibacy of their priests and nuns.  This is not taught by the Bible or the God of the Bible.  It was practiced by some but it was not taught or supported by Jesus either.  The Creator intended for a man to have one wife and a woman to have one husband.  For this purpose Eve was created for Adam as a helpmate.  (Genesis 2:20)  Yet the Catholic church insists to teach things against that which God has all ready established.

My Message to Catholics

I do not hate the Catholics, I have friends and relatives who are Catholics.  I do not deny for one moment I believe there are people inside the Catholic religion who are very devout honest people only seeking God in the only ways they know how.  I respect these people and I feel God's love and concern for them.  I think a person can serve God where ever they are and I feel in my heart there are priests who are filled with the Holy Spirit who were called to serve where they are as best they can not to promote the Catholic religion but to help God's people inside the Catholic religion despite what it tells them.  Yes God talks to me, sometimes in voice, sometimes written and sometimes very clearly.  Most of the time I hear His softer voices in night visions and dreams.  Sometimes He gives me divine understanding for them and then sometimes I must wait for Him to give me the Understanding of these things.  I will be the first to admit I don't know much and the more I learn the more I see how little I know.  God keeps it that way for me in order that I should remain His humble servant.  If my words sometimes sound quite bold it is not my words but my God who gives me those words and who expresses His feeling through those words.  The only greatness within me is the God who lives within me, without Him I wouldn't even be alive today.  I am nothing without Him and owe Him everything.

If you are a Catholic and you have found this webpage there is a reason why you are here and there is something in this page for you or someone else you know.  God will not waste your time or mine and He certainly does not waste His own time.  If you came here, read this entire page and it makes you mad, you just won't listen to anything on it and think I was sent by the devil to say these things then you reject the God who called you and who called and had me write these things.  Then you can't help me and I can't help you and you think to yourself "What good is all this?  Why would God send me here to talk to this guy when he just won't listen?"  God probably isn't trying to reach you with this message or me with your message but most likely is reaching out to help someone else you know because of it and despite your feelings about it.

The Mormon Church

While I'm walking on toes here I would hate to miss someone.  God has shown me some powerful frightening things about the Mormon church and I'll describe some of the things He has shown me in my personal experiences pages when I get around to it.  Right now what God directs me to say about the Mormon church is that if you can't get there with just the Bible then you will only be more confused by adding the Book of Mormon to your spiritual references.  This was all the devil's doing to give people something else to confuse them about spiritual things.  There are people who go to Christian churches who walk away realizing something they are looking for is not there.  This usually happens when people go to churches looking for God and can't find Him there, so they go looking somewhere else.  Then the devil provided the Book of Mormon to them and presents yet another new off line religion in order to ensnare them literally in the name of God.  It's actually frightening how well the devil's plans work.  God showed me the leaders of the Mormon church walk over a tombstone with the name of the Mormon church carved into stone when they go to their secret meetings.  Don't laugh, I'm telling you just exactly what God showed me and being carved into stone by God means the leaders of the Mormon church are every bit as cursed by God as the high leaders of the Catholic church are.

Some things the Mormons teach that are not of God.

Polygamy is not taught or sanctioned by the God of the Bible.  God created one woman for one man.  He created Eve for Adam.  Not as a sex object but as a partner and helpmate.  (Genesis 2:20)

Matthew 19:4-6:  "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?'  So then, they are no longer two but of one flesh.  Therefore what God has joined together let no man separate."

The Apostle Paul wrote : "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband."  1 Corinthians 7:2

Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon all practiced polygamy but God did not authorize them to do this.  The Bible says that King Solomon ended his life shamefully because of his polygamous life.  (1 Kings 11: 1-10)

Arabs and the nation of Islam also practice polygamy.  Anyone calling themselves a Christian should realize that doing the things that ungodly people do is against God.  Islam was also loosely based on old testament teachings then twisted the truth into a lie.  The Mormons have done likewise in this same respect.

Mormon's teach proxy baptism.  Like the Catholics they think one who dies who is lost can be saved by someone else.  There is nothing in the Bible that supports this concept.  But Jesus said in the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man, "There is a great gulf fixed between them and neither shall pass."  He also said that what ever a person binds in this life is bound in the next and what ever is freed in this life will be free in the next.  If they are saved in this life they are saved in the next life.  If they are lost in this life and die in that state they are lost in the next life and there's not one thing anyone living can do to change that.

Luke 16:25 "But Abraham replied, `Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'

Ask yourself why someone calling themselves a Christian would deliberately teach something that is not only not supported in the Bible but a direct contradiction.

The Mormon's also place a high significance on physical things.  Trust me when I say that who makes your underwear has nothing to do with your eligibility of entering Heaven.  Who has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of Christ has everything to do with your eligibility of entering Heaven.

Like many others the Mormons are caught up in a spirit of religion from the great old dragon, the devil.  They do not realize they do not have the Holy Spirit of God and therefore will not seek out God's help to correct their sin.

Jehovah's Witnesses

A man in Nigeria was reading some of my pages and asked me why I had not mentioned the Jehovah's Witnesses in my material.  I actually wondered how in the world I could have forgotten to mention the religious group that has pestered me more than all the others.  A group that bases their complete and total understanding of spiritual things on their understanding of physical things.  They read the Bible as many times as they can even memorizing parts of it based on their own agenda, thinking this will in some way give them the upper hand when it comes to discussions about the Bible and God.  They can all quote things from the Bible but I have yet to meet one of them that had any true deep spiritual understanding of the Bible, Jesus or God the Father.  In fact questions and discussions about certain things in the Bible leave them completely baffled.  And these people come to our door's to show us their spiritual prowess.  For they believe that God's Kingdom is a physical kingdom despite the fact the Bible says the Father is Spirit and that's where His Kingdom is.  But Jesus said "If my kingdom were of this world my followers would fight to save me."  I've even had some of them tell me that only the people who are alive when Christ returns will remain to live forever.  That all those who are dead now will remain dead and that's the end of them.  But my Bible does not say that so how can they come to such wrong conclusions?

In truth the Jehovah's Witnesses are classified as a Christian cult.  Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians considered the Jehovah's Witnesses as being unsaved because they do not exhibit any of the gifts or signs recognized as being of the Holy Spirit of God.  Certainly if a person does not have the Holy Spirit of God they are not saved.  The Jehovah's Witnesses that I have met did not speak of the Holy Spirit at all, and yet it is the key to Heaven, a piece of Christ that is taken within.  It is the first and most important thing in the process of being born again.  Yet they did not speak of it at all.  This should lead us to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are clueless when it comes to spiritual things.  They are unable to help anyone find the path into the light.  I would never recommend them to anyone.

The Alamo's

Since I am speaking about Christian cults I should mention the Alamo's since they originated a few miles north of where I live.  I have had direct contact with them in the past and I know others who went to their church and regretted it.  The horror stories they told me turned my stomach.  One witness, a friend of mine at that time said they literally dragged his friend down to the alter one Sunday morning to "save him" despite his screaming and kicking.  The man returned to my house and asked me to go with him to get his tools he had loaned to some Alamo's.  I asked him what the problem was and he said "I'm afraid of them."  And I could see the fear in his eyes.  So I went with him.  Sure enough we were met by two Alamo men who separated us right off.  The one took my friend into the house supposedly to get his tools while the other stood in front of me shaking a crescent wrench in my face.  I guess he thought he could intimidate me but I smiled and told him if he shook that wrench in my face one more time I would take it away from him and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.  He began to back away from me because he knew I meant what I had said.  My friend finally got his tools and we departed.  He remembered that I had told him not to have anything to do with the Alamo's and you can bet he won't need to be reminded of that ever again.

Yes the Alamo's control their congregation through fear tactics and physical and mental abuse.

Yes the Alamo's are notorious in convincing people to give up their life's savings and anything else they can acquire for their cause.

I've met Alamo's who were demon controlled and even demon possessed but I have yet to meet one who had the Holy Spirit of God.  Therefore I must come to the conclusion that the Alamo's are another Christian (called) cult religion under the control of the devil and his forces.

Remember that Satan will do anything he can to mislead people to make sure the do not find their way into the light of Christ.


I am working on a webpage/site that will explain a lot of these things and answer a lot of questions for people.  The only reason I have not done it so far is because some of those groups and some of those people go from one website to another looking for anyone who has a different view so they can start an argument.  Usually God warns me in dreams about them just before they show their faces and I can tell them my dream and how I knew to expect them and what to say to them and they generally will go their way and leave me alone.  

The Very First and Only Church On Earth that Jesus Himself Established

When Jesus ascended into Heaven for the last time His spiritual body was divided "broken" and when the Holy Spirit descended upon the members who were the believers waiting in the locked upper room that day the Holy Spirit appeared visibly descending like doves and appearing like tongues of fire.  These were the first to receive this precious gift from Christ and how they came to receive it is symbolic and important yet to this day.  The fact they were hiding behind locked doors in an upper room is very important.  Jesus still has certain people who He holds as being special and in secret in His One True Church and most of them will not even be recognized by the religious community as being Christians.  These include certain prophets that God speaks to and sends out to communicate with certain people when they fail to listen to what God is trying to tell them.  Sometimes they are thrown out of the churches and have their lives threatened but the day will come when Jesus Himself will witness for them and say "These are My Prophets who I sent to you and you beat them, you threatened their lives, had them ridiculed and thrown from your churches and I know what you have done." 



Disclaimer: Please don't think I'm angry with all the Christian religions of the world because that is not so.  Please do not misunderstand my method of speaking and think it has something to do with my own ego because I have nothing to sell you and nothing personally to gain by convincing anyone that my beliefs are better than theirs as so many others do who preach their religions.  The closer a person comes to God the more they are responsible for and they must be constantly mindful of what they say and even what they think.  I have personal feelings I would love to share with everyone and some of them have very little to do with what's on this page.  There are things God allows me to say, there are things He tells me to say and there are things I want to say but am literally not allowed to.  I have been allowed to say that I personally believe the Catholic church has worked wonders in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ around the world and so have certain other religious organizations.  I don't doubt for a moment that Mary would pray for you, I believe she would and does, I believe my mother who is now in Heaven also pleads with God on my behalf but I am not recommended to teach people to ask these things of Mary or my own mother who God allowed me to know resides in Heaven.  The purpose of this page is to expose a few things people are taught in their religions and also to explain to you how certain spiritual things actually work.  It is your job to test what you read on this page or anywhere else and decide for yourself what you choose to believe in.  We don't necessarily have to like the truth about these things but when God says something you can believe it and it's always wise to do so like it or not.  This webpage changes and gets updated now and then and one day may be published in a book in some modified novel format.


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