Church Home or Not?

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There is a certain amount of controversy over weather or not it is a sin not to go to Church or to have a church home since the Bible itself instructs people "not to forsake the fellowship."  I have personally been judged many times by the religious minded who can't possibly understand God's will for me personally.  They pray and then think they hear God talking to them when it's not God they hear.  Since they have never heard God speak to them before they wouldn't know what that would be like.  It's not easy being me I admit that.  I need not explain these things to people who really have been called by the "Living Word" who know His voice, pray to him and get answers back from him.  But for those who need a bit more help to understand I have written this page for you.

The Apartment Building  8/14/2002 8:30 AM

It looked like an apartment building.  There were kids and people roller-skating on the bottom floor.  Stairways that lead up to more floors and up I went looking to see what I could find out about this place.  I do that a lot in my dreams, I search for information to find out what the dream is trying to tell me. 

I saw into and went through several rooms and soon discovered this place was really old and rotten.  The only thing holding it together perhaps was the thick coats of paint from one room to another. 

I found rooms that had secret doors that lead from one room into another and from inside to outside of different rooms.  I passed through several of these trying to see what else I could learn.  I moved about freely and even the people in the rooms didn’t seem to mind that I was walking through their rooms.  Then finally I heard sounds that caused me some concern and looked there was a little boy following me around but he had not made the sounds someone else had.  The boy went out to see what was going on to I guess and the moment he went around the corner to the left he gasped and fell to the floor.  He changed colors almost like some kind of lizard.  He pulled his head into his shirt like a turtle and began working himself through the crack under what appeared to be a closet door.  I looked up to see what he was hiding from and saw a very old man and women working putting on more coats of paint and hiding the bad places in the building.  I realized these two were the people who had something to hide.  These were the two who I didn’t want to find me here inspecting their place of business. 

I turned around and went back into the room I had just come out of but there was nowhere else I could go without being seen.  I remembered the secret doors in some of the other rooms and I began looking for these kinds of doors in this room and finally found one.  I went through it into a completely hidden inaccessible room and discovered that was the only door into that room and it was hidden.  There were many secrets in this place, things the two old people didn’t want anyone else to know about.  I walked around and through the kitchen and realized the floor was very soft.  I looked down and around and realized the floor was only being held together by the floor covering itself that was mostly like Linoleum.  There was no other way out of this room except back the way I had come so I worked my way very carefully back to the hallway where the old couple had been working.  Then I quickly moved past the hallway where they were and flew down the stairs.  I was moving quickly and I’m not sure how many floors I went down before finding myself in the room where the people were roller-skating again.  I spoke to some of these people and moved across the room watching them.  I said “This place hides a lot of secrets doesn’t it?”  They acted like they didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.  “The building is falling apart.”  I told them but they didn’t seem to care.  “They let you roller-skate here is that why you like this place?”  And finally one of the kids smiled at me and nodded his head.  That was what it was all about for these people.  They didn’t realize just how much danger they were in and they didn’t care as long as they could “skate” by and get away with it.


The main symbol we see in this dream is like when Jesus told his friends about the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day.  He used several symbolic descriptions and one of them was they were like white washed tombs.  He said people passed by them not realizing what death and corruption they were passing. 

If I were to write a book about all of these kinds of dreams that I have had about other organizations and churches it would be a very large book.  At the moment I can tell you this dream is talking about some kind of organization or church where the people are literally allowed to skate by without having any real understanding of the place they are involved with.  Their hopes, dreams and beliefs exist and reside in this dangerous state of being.  It is so very fragile it could collapse in a moment without warning but they are not aware. 

God exposed me to different churches of different religions and then showed me there are people who speak of God who’s hearts are really far from him.  There are those who have the best of intentions and speak of God and think they are saved when they couldn’t be more wrong.  Then God separated me from the different churches and different religions and began teaching me Himself.  That’s exactly what He said he would do when he walked upon the earth in human form.  If God does nothing without having good reason for it then why would He do that to me? I would personally rather have a church home and church family but here I am. 

Some say it’s just not biblical for a person to be separated from the churches like this and they can’t find it in their scriptures so they judge me thinking it is all my doing and my own choices. Some of them have said if God was going to speak to someone it would have been with them and certainly not with me.  This is exactly what the Pharisees said to Jesus wasn't it?  Recognize that spirit of religion?  If you don't you should.

If they would read the scriptures closely they would discover many of God’s most famous prophets were pretty much loners.  They were called strange, crazy and odd.  They dressed funny talked funny were feared by many and loved by few.  In fact if someone described how Elijah dressed everyone knew who it was.  If they described John the Baptizer anyone who had met him knew who they were talking about. 

Jonah ran from God’s orders and ended up spending three days in the belly of a fish!  You think that wouldn’t make him just a little bit odder than normal? 

But God said “My people are a strange and peculiar people.”  Which I have learned the closer one is to God the stranger and more peculiar they become. 

Though it is very rare for people to seek honest advice when people desire honest advice they will want it from someone who is unbiased.  They will want it from someone who is not influenced by a particular group.  If a person comes asking what church is best or what church is closer to God than all others as they are searching for a church home naturally they expect that no mater what church that person goes to they will be influenced by that church to sell their own brand.  When a person of knowledge has experienced the quite a few different types of churches and yet calls none of them “home” you can believe there’s one or two reasons for it.  Either they don’t care or they care very much and have been lead by God to be where they are.  Since God has led me down this path I have discovered I’m not the only one on this path.  Some of the most devout spiritual people I know have no church home but go to many different churches.  I know one very spiritual and devout man who goes to a different church nearly every weekend and frequently travels many miles to get to them. 

The other reason that God might separate someone from the church systems is that people dream about the things they think about the most.  A person who goes to church and to work and their home life and all will dream about those things most of the time.  A person who is somewhat isolated will dream about things coming to them because God tells them and talks to them in dreams and night visions.  God tells them about people and things that person has no physical link with.  Meaning they couldn’t have dreamed about it because they were somehow aware of it before hand but they dreamed about it because God was telling them about it for a reason. 

My work is mostly at home because like the churches God has separated me and isolated me from these things for a reason.  My “church” and religious activities and prayer are nearly always conducted at home.  I don’t recommend this life style for everyone but this is where God put me and I know He did so for a good reason.  I know He understands things that He does and does nothing without reason and purpose and eventually I will understand because God will teach me. 

So if I were going to church and to a regular job that dream I had could very well have been about job or church right?  But since I don’t then why did God send me that dream?  I don’t know but I trust that I will know soon enough because someone will either come to see me, call or e-mail me to tell me or ask me something and when the time is right I should know who and what the dream is about. 


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Copyrighted© 2002 by Bryon Smith

Everything on this page and in this area of the website is copyrighted© 2002 by Bryon Smith and may not be reproduced or distributed in any way for profit over any media without expressed written permission of the author.  You may print a copy of this page for your own personal use.  You may not sell it or distribute it for profit. 

When I originally started this page I thought nothing about allowing people to share the information and make as many copies of it as they wanted because most of all I want to share the information here with those who have spiritual need of it.  My agreement with God requires that I write it and share it at least here on the web.  I am also writing and have been writing a book over the past 30 years that one day will be published and this webpage and area may be used in whole or in part in that publication.  Publishers tend to frown on things used in the books they publish if they are not marked on line with a copyright notice in order to prevent someone else from publishing this information under their own title without permission.  This is why I am now required to place the copyright notice on this page.