Commanding Angels
I don't personally know anyone who can command a high order angel.  If you meet one you might ask them to do something for you but commanding them comes from God.  I've seen them, I know they take on human form and walk among us.  I know they are eyes and ears of the All-Mighty.  They also serve as His hands if something needs to be done.

Energy Angels
An energy angel is a spirit consisting of God / Creation energy.  They are more like machines but they are intelligent.  They can speak and reason but they are designed to follow commands they are given.  They can stand sentry on a location indefinitely without resting.  They can repel evil spirits and sound alarms if something evil does come their way.

Elijah was famous for being able to viewpoint into the the enemy camp to know what their plans were.
It infuriated the enemy of Israel because every time they set up an attack or ambush they ended up being attacked and ambushed.  Elijah could see the angels around him and he knew how to get them to do things for him.  His name means God is with me.  One day the enemy found out who was responsible and sent an army after him.  He basically laughed at them while his servant was terrified.  Then he said "blind them Lord" and an angel took the sight of every one of the enemy leaving them blind.  He led them into Israel and once surrounded he said "return their sight" and they saw they were surrounded.  Angels can do some impressive things but there are many kinds of angels.

High order angels have bodies but energy angels do not.  They exist as spirit and are typically tasked with looking after people, guarding and protecting and delivering messages from God to His people.

A skilled, gifted person of God can even send an
energy angel to bring back a report of who that person is and what their "house" looks like.  Basically that's asking the angel of God to discern that person for them.  Their house represents their belief structure.  The condition of the house tells you if that belief structure is solid or not.  Now recall when Jesus gave the parable of the one that built their house upon the sand and their house was destroyed another built upon the solid rock.  The theory and principle is the same.  An angel will view a person's house the same way.  If that house is a shambles or has parts that are not solid their beliefs and teachings are not solid either. It's always better to know who you are dealing with before you do or say something wrong that you will regret later.

Demons / Sub-Demons
If you know a demon's real name you can bind them securely.  Remember the story of the men who saw the disciples casting out demons in the name of Jesus and they tried to do the same?  And the demon in the man said, "I know Jesus and I know Paul but I don't know who you are."  He jumped on them beat them all within an inch of their lives.  People who don't have God's authority are going to have serious problems doing the job and will find their own lives complicated by problems and people that wouldn't have been otherwise.

A demon's name is directly connected to their skill set.
The problem now is that many people can go read a book on demonology or find demon names online and think they know what they are doing when they have no clue.  Just because you read the book and know a few demon names you don't know squat yet.  You know just enough to get you into trouble.  I could post a few demons names here and it wouldn't be any help to you.  You might go off thinking you can deal with a demon and have the wrong demon and the wrong name.  Not only that there are other factors that can make a location almost impossible to clear.

It's better to bind that evil spirit right to start with in the name of Jesus Christ.
  Then command him to tell you his name.  You might be surprised to find it's a name you never heard before and a name you've never seen in any book on demon names.  It might even be in another language making you look it up.  About 25 or so years ago I got a book on demonology and began to study but in my experiences not one of the demons I encountered whose names I managed to get from them was listed in that book or any of the lists online.

Be warned demons are deceptive and may not give up a correct name or set of names the first time you ask.
  Ask them at least 3 times and see if you get the same answer each time.  Now and then there will be a human name connected to the demon.  Someone else who holds their leash.  Someone they have made a deal with in the past that you may also be required to bind in a spiritual sense.

Demons frequently work in teams.
  Never think just because you bound one and got rid of it the job is done.  A general rule says that if someone has tried to remove a single demon from a person or house and failed, that demon will go out and bring in more demons even meaner and stronger than it is in order to prevent them from being exorcised on another occasion.  Sometimes these demons will disguise themselves as ghosts in order to hide who they are and cause the exorcist to fail again.  The more times someone tries and fails the more evil entities will come to reinforce the others.

To show my point on this the man who had a Legion of evil spirits inside him had been through many attempts to exorcise them at the hands of people who did not have the knowledge or the power to do so.  Each time they failed more evil spirits would come into the man.  It was Jesus then who the man ran to in order to be free of these demons.  The demons were terrified of Jesus begging him not to cast them into outer darkness or to hell.  That's why he sent them into the pigs nearby and why the pigs went crazy and killed themselves.

Evil spirits love to pit sides against each other.
  They love fighting and arguing among people.  You've seen the angel on one shoulder and demon on the other.  There's a lot more fact than fiction in it.  While one is telling one person one thing another will be telling someone else something else.  While they are all pointing their fingers at one or a few the bad thing will be patting them on the back standing right next to them pretending to be some kind of angel of God.  I sometimes refer to this as the "sucker factor."  The humiliation of realizing they shot the sheriff instead of the ones to blame is off the scale.  Often enough the guy claiming to be the sheriff isn't.  No one said it was easy.

Still Having Some Doubt
You have heard the saying it is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all?  In this business in some cases it is better not to have tried.

In simple terms if you have any doubts that you can do the job it's better not to try to do it by yourself.  It's like flying an airplane, if you have never done it before it's better to find an instructor to teach you.

Find someone else who has done it before and knows how to help you.  Most of these people will do this as a service without charge.  If that person has to come far to help you and the service works it is good to at least help them with some of the expenses.  A donation is acceptable.

Now that you know this much from reading it here there's something a smart paranormal investigator will do before they go out to do anything dealing with the paranormal. You set up a protective fence all the way around your house, your family, and your vehicles.  If you don't know how to do this I will explain later.  At the very least pray that God will send His angels to protect you and your team.

1. You never know what you will encounter on an investigation.  While ghosts are fairly harmless there are other things that can be dangerous.  Even a ghost will follow you home sometimes but usually won't stay unless you invite them.  Generally a quick but stern "go home" will send them packing.  Demons or other evil spirits like sub-demons / gravelings, gremlins, etc will also follow you home and can be much harder to get rid of.  I posted a link to a video on here that shows what one of these things look like.  They are generally fairly small but they do grow as they feed upon people's energy and become stronger.

2. If your vehicle is protected from evil entities at least they can't ride home with you in your car.

3. If your house is protected if they do follow you home they can't come in the house and after while they will return where they came from.  The only way a spirit can enter a protected house is when they are inhabiting someone who is allowed into the house or vehicle.  And then they usually can't do much because the protection prevents them from leaving their host.

A poltergeist  or noisy ghost is generally not a ghost at all, it's a gremlin, graveling, or sub-demon
.  Generally the gremlins and gravelings are the worst at making noise.  These things are all evil and you do not want them near you and I will tell you why.  Despite the fact they are noisy, mischievous, and destructive anything they see the demon that holds their leash can see and it's only a matter of time before something worse takes an interest in you.

There are those who teach that a ghost can't hurt you and this is also an incorrect teaching.
  Generally ghosts won't hurt a person but a wraith or angry ghost can.  Sometimes just having their space invaded by the living is enough to set a ghost off on someone and they will scratch and or burn a person.

Many Are Called....
...But few are chosen.  You hear them say, "In the name of Jesus, come out!"
Please understand I was raised in the Christian churches and most of what I teach here will be based upon that philosophy. I am also aware that not everyone falls into this category.  Native Americans for example will not be held to the same restrictions.  God knows who they are and does recognize people of other faiths who are true to Him even by another name.  The Indians for example may call God the Great Spirit.  There are historical accounts that indicated that Christ did in fact visit people in various places on earth and he was called by other names.

Some will come here, read these file,s and leave for one reason or another.  This file is for information only and mostly for those Christians who become involved in paranormal investigations or for those who are curious about how these things work and should be done.  I'm not interested in preaching to anyone in this group, that's not what it's for.  If this doc does not apply to you then disregard it.

Ever Been Good At Something You Don't Really Like?
I've read messages from people who say dealing with the paranormal or hunting demons is their passion.  I say, "Get a life people!"  For me it's just something I was called to do.  There are a lot of other things I would rather do.  Anyone who's read my personal pages will understand.  Normally I only go if I'm sent or asked by someone to deal with a case. Hunting ghosts and dealing with the paranormal is not my first choice.  Though I do not get paid, it's more like a job.  I'd rather be out on the river, fishing, flying, scuba diving, camping, launching or building rockets, writing, just about anything else.  Don't misunderstand, I love old buildings and old things and the history that goes with them. I don't mind spending a night in a haunted motel, hotel, or mansion.  I enjoy that and watch for the good spirits to come greet me.  For some reason the really bad things like to avoid me and that's fine with me.  They seem to prefer using people they have some influence with to try to get at me.

In some cases I've actually watched as the evil spirits will move away from me. The ghosts will be attracted to me.  Ghosts don't like evil spirits either and when given a chance will move to places or near people to get away from bad things.

If I exorcise a demon out of a location you can be sure it will stay gone, unless someone else invites it back
.  (So far that's not happened.) I've cast demons out of people, places, and closed portals and so far my success rate is 100%.  The worst location I've dealt with is the house I live in now, and it's been clean for at least 26 years.  Until we moved in here 32 years ago no one could live here.  These facts can be verified by witnesses including the man we bought the house from.

Smiling Faces  Full of the Joy of the Lord ?
Don't you love the door to door people, come to share their wisdom with you.  They have the "joy of the Lord" all over them.  Truth is the prophets of God wear their joy on the inside and seldom tell anyone who they actually are.  I've never known a real prophet of God to go door to door.  Real prophets always go with purpose because they were sent.  Most of the time God would send His prophets to places that could get them killed.  Just ask Jonah! Go there Jonah!  "AH, no, You can go.  If I tell them what you said they'll kill me!"  Let's face it, anyone who actually asked for this job isn't quite right.  I think I could have beat Jonah to the boat! :-)  Of course you know how that story ends.

It is a known fact there are people out here claiming to be people of God, preachers,  demonologists who are not at all skilled and some of them cause more harm than good.
  Some claim they are fighting evil spirits and demons all the time.  Be warned those are the ones who are more likely to invite an infestation or possession than they are to cure it.  And these opposing sides will both point out what they see as flaws in the other.

In various places online and in churches I've been accused of having a demon and also of being of one of the churches of Satan/Devil. Nothing could be further from the truth.  I don't care much for telling people how I came to be here because it is a long strange story but I've posted parts of it in various places online where people can find it.  If someone asks I will either tell them part of the story or point them at one of those webpages.  I'm telling you this because even the favorite prophets of God were accused of consorting with demons and it was of course all a lie.  This is also known as blasphemy when someone accused the true people of God of crimes against God.

Among them you see the finger pointing and hear the words "false prophet!"  Without any gift at all you have about 95-98% chance of being correct.  Why? Because it takes all kinds. Not counting those who went who were never called by God there are a multitude who were called but not chosen who did go into the field thinking... "I was called by God, I can do no wrong."  God's not interested in those who can't listen or follow His directionsSo they go when God did not send them.  They honestly believe they are doing a good work for God and helping people but you can also be sure they have at least one serious flaw that got them disqualified and they are unaware of it.

What is the most basic thing a true worker of God must have?  Humility.  What is the most basic ability for a worker of God to have?  The ability to communicate messages to and receive messages from God, there are no exceptions.

So How Can You Be Sure ?

Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

When it comes to people you must understand that God calls many people to serve Him but many in the end will not be selected for one or more reasons.  The reasons involve their qualifications.  I'm not saying hundreds, I'm saying thousands of people are called by God for certain things and yet perhaps only one of them will be selected.  The calling for a prophet of God is as follows with no exceptions.

1. They must be called by God according to Numbers 12:6.  (I the Lord make myself known to them in a vision and I speak with them in dreams.)  A full blown waking vision is required.  Continued ability to communicate with God is also critical.

2. They must be humble, not proud, egotistical, or mean.  They know humans make mistakes and it's God who always gets the final say.  A proud person is not humble and God will turn His back on them and refuse to speak with them.  There are examples in the Bible where this happened and King Saul is one of them.  There are many examples in the world and in online groups today where egotistical people yell at each other and argue in the name of their God about what God wants and who they think they are.  If they were ever called you can be sure God's angels are watching but you can also be sure God is not talking to them either. If He's not talking to them they are not working for him, they are "doing Him favors."

3. They must use wisdom, compassion, and understanding in their discernment.  (The ability to test the spirits is critical, no exceptions.)  Among those false people who think they are working for God they wouldn't know the devil himself if he were standing beside them.

4. They must have a good working knowledge of the scriptures and follow the rules within.  I guess I've read the Bible through 30-40 times.  At one time I could quote a pile of scriptures and tell you chapter and verse.  I can still quote a lot of them but may not be able to tell you exactly what book, chapter, and verse.  You can be sure I can find it though. The point is the laws / rules are now written in my soul.

5. Anything they preach or teach they must also live by. If they make a mistake they must be willing to try to correct that mistake.  If they accuse someone of something they must follow the protocol listed, face the one they accuse, tell them why, and then allow that person to explain and defend themselves.

6. They must be able and willing to communicate with God.  That's a two way communication.  They must be able to ask God a question and wait for an answer they can understand clearly then act upon God's decision/answer even if they don't like it.  Anyone who's truly called and chosen by God knows exactly how to pose a question in prayer and get an answer.  Anyone who says God doesn't speak to people anymore is not one of God's special chosen.

> Most of God's people including all those who are called to be teachers, healers, and other things will receive messages in dreams and some of them actually know what to look for.  Before we were married, I took my wife on our second date and that was to church on Sunday morning.  Aside from the man standing at the door and  the preacher in the back we were the first ones there.  We sat in the back on the left hand side and listened to the preacher singing praises and speaking in tongues.  It wasn't long before we learned the guy was carrying on a two way conversation with God. I had $2.50 (approx) and she had nothing.  I told her we can throw it all in the hat and leave it to God or we can split a burger later.  She said, "Do what ever you think is right."  I threw it all in the collection tray when it came by giving it to God.  The preacher sang and spoke in tongues again then said,  "God wants us to know we have two very special guests with us today and he wants you to have a gift."  He pulled out an envelope and sent it via usher to me.  I opened it and to my surprise it was a ticket for two full meals at a local restaurant.  I looked at her and she at me and we knew this preacher was the real thing and he could speak to God directly without waiting for a dream.  Later the church elders fired him because he was just way too good at what he did and they had secrets.

7. They must be born again and this includes the praying for the Holy Spirit, laying on of hands by someone who has the Holy Spirit.  The spirit of religion is what most people end up with because they do this process wrong.  It's sad but once a person receives the "instead of Christ" spirit they think they have the Holy Spirit, think they are saved when they aren't.  They will never again ask to receive the Holy Spirit.

As I explain this I must say I've been kicked out of 4 churches in my life and all for trying to point out simple truths to the elders or preachers.  Every church gets hung up on something for some reason.  Some say you must be baptized, submersed in water and think that's how you receive the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is clear on this, it is not sprinkling because the death, burial and resurrection is symbolic of being dunked.  :-)  The sides will argue but the truth is the water baptism is an act of obedience, it's symbolic and nothing more.  There's at least two ways a person can receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the one that is described in the Bible is by the laying on of hands and it passes from they who have it to those who ask for it.  The other method is of course by God's own choice.   He's God, he can save anyone he wants.  The reason I don't teach the latter is because there will be those who won't make it for one reason or another.  The best method is to follow the instructions.

This is not the average paranormal group.  If it's spooky, strange, interesting, mysterious, something that deserves being investigated we deal with it.  If it's related to something we deal with I will mention it but won't dwell on it.  If you feel something said in this group does not apply to you that's fine, disregard it but please don't be offended by it.  :-)

I run about a dozen websites but this one is one of the most important.  At this point I would like to point you toward the ghost hunter guide on another one of my websites and hope you find what you are looking for either here or there.  If not please write me and ask your questions I will help if I can.

Paranormal Teams Are Everywhere!
They are as bad as cockroaches, every time you look there's one heading somewhere.  I've been asked about certain groups in the past by people who trust my experience.  I can't be everywhere and only a few teams can afford to be on the go all the time.  I don't charge for what I do and neither do most of them but of those we are aware of the better teams are being paid by producers of TV shows, if they weren't they couldn't afford to go help all the people they do.  I've watched these teams on TV and I can tell you where they fall short and make mistakes.  The people who told Zac he was crazy for challenging demons were right.  He didn't know why at first but he does now.  Now that he understand the risks he takes full responsibility for the challenges he makes.  These other paranormal teams that have sprung up all over the world almost over night want to be like the paranormal investigators they see on TV.  They think it's exciting and they know far less than any of those teams we see on TV.

I was asked to look in on 3 different paranormal groups and was shocked at what I discovered.  People who know me know I deal with all things spiritual.  They also know I don't do it for fun.

In 2002 I decided it would be good if someone did a TV series investigating the paranormal and sharing their information with the general public.  Let them see we do have evidence to prove the paranormal, ghosts, demons and even angels exist.  Since then these types of shows have taken off like a wildfire.  They are on just about every channel. That's fine, but what has happened is quite a few inexperienced people are laying claims they know things when they don't.  They know just enough to make more problems not only for themselves but for anyone who has contact with them.  You guessed it they all think they are experts in the field and fully willing to throw good sense, common logic, and anyone else who really does have experience to help out the window.  The saying "too smart for their own good" comes to mind.

Ouija Boards!
Far too often those seeking to find spirits succeed!  Inexperienced paranormal teams can enter a place that isn't haunted searching for spirits and attract spirits to that location without ever realizing what they've done.

There's a reason why certain hotels, bed and breakfasts, and other locations do not allow people with Ouija boards or similar things for contacting spirits.  Most of the people doing paranormal investigations are fascinated with those they see on TV.  They have no experience in this subject.  If they are dealing with common ghosts it's no big deal but if they run into something of dark nature they won't be prepared to deal with it.  Sometimes they can cause more harm than good.  Sometimes they invite dark spirits into a home or location.  So if you are looking for someone to investigate a location you might want to check into the background of those you consider.
Where Do Demons Come From?
Some of these people actually teach that demons come out of the TV sets.  They think watching a show about the paranormal can bring you an infestation of demons. It's not true!  Don't believe it!  I'm not saying they aren't dealing with evil spirits in their own lives, I expect they are.  How they came to have those problems and evil spirits isn't because of watching paranormal TV shows.

Some of them claim they are preachers and clergymen who were sent by God to help people
.  Today you can buy a license online that says you are a preacher.  Anyone who's read a book on demonology can claim they are a demonologist.  They get a few names of demons from some list and think they are armed with the knowledge of God.  Look out!  They claim they have the spirit of discernment and can identify an evil spirit and even name that demon from the names in their book or list.  Don't believe it!  It's not that easy and no demon will ever give up their real name without a fight.  A fight with a real demon is not a picnic and no one in their right mind would want to.  Only those who are actually called by God are qualified to do the job and you can be sure they won't look forward to the battle like so called demonologists.

I've worked with truly gifted people and I can tell you there's no piece of ghost hunter gear that can do or see what a gifted psychic medium can.  I've been out there OBE in spirit and walked among these spirits so I have seen them and I can sense them.  I've worked with licensed psychic medium Vickie Gay and my daughter Laura.  These two can see what the ghost hunter gear can't.  In the past I had the gift and sometimes it kicks on when there's something near that I need to be aware of.
Incarnated Angel?
Mentally Ill / Spiritually Possessed
One of the paranoid group members came to me in chat and claimed she was an incarnated angel.  She said everything we think we know is wrong. (There's some truth in that, however...)  She said The book of Enoch is a lie and the bible is such a joke she couldn't read it.  She told me three times she was an incarnated angel then gave me the name of a demon named Phoenix as her angel name.  She also said what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah was not because what people were doing to each other it was because they tried to do those things to angels!

Did you know there are evil spirits that can literally prevent a person from saying the name "Jesus?" They can bind a person's mind, alter their perception and destroy a person's life.  They know the bible is no joke, but the joke's on them.  If they own someone they can certainly make that person think the way they do about the bible, or anything.

Let's test those spirits.  God and two angels visited Abraham on their way to Sodom and they said they were going to see if the rumors were true and if they were that Sodom and Gomorrah and all the surrounding cities would be destroyed.  This is why Abraham was concerned since his brother Lot and his family lived there.  No one had attempted to attack an angel yet it was set for the possibility of destruction just the same.  So yes it was about what the people were doing to each other and the fact they were overcome by sub-demons on a very high level.  When infected humans become so populated in an area that it can't be saved God destroys them.  Curious now I looked up her profile and saw she was a lesbian.  She has a certain grudge against God for His stance against unnatural relationships and she hates her parents.

So the girl tells me the way demons work is they lie to people and play on their stupidity and fears.  And that's the only thing she said truthful in the entire chat.

I told her she is not an angel and she went directly back to the Dangers of the Paranormal group and told them I was saying bad things about angels.  LIE.
I said she wasn't an angel.  The leader of that paranoid group declared I was sending demons after him and all his people!  OMG! And he even knows the name of the demons he said I sent after him! If he's so good at discerning the spiritual why doesn't he know that his "angel girl" isn't really an angel?  In fact she's about as far from being an angel as a person could get.  She did to them exactly what she said demons do to people and they fell for it so fast it was astounding.

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